
Showing posts from July, 2024
KENYA NEEDS TEACHERS.  I don't understand why our government led by President Ruto is obsessed with sending workers outside the country. In every address, you would hear him say that he has negotiated jobs abroad, whether in Europe or gulf.  Imagine Kenya has "grown" to the extent of sending our police force to Haiti for peacekeeping mission even after they failed to deal with bandits in Baringo. I was and is still in shock after learning that the government will be sending our teachers to the US . I don't understand why we are neglecting our own country for personal gains. On the issue of exporting teachers to the US, I saw people celebrating as the plane carrying teachers to the US was being flagged off at the JKIA.  Barely seven hours later, I saw KUPPET officials led by Akello Misori decrying the deficit of teachers in the Junior Secondary schools. He said that they needed 87,000 teachers to solve the deficit problem. This is a a big number but we should not be wo
SPORTS SHOULD BE USED TO PROMOTE PEACE.  The world is at war. Each continent is experiencing bloodshed. In Asia, Israel is really trying hard to wipe out the Palestinians from in Gaza. In Europe, we really don't understand what is really going on between Russia and Ukraine but there is war.  In South America, Venezuelans have had enough with Nicolas Maduro and are now rebelling. In North America, Haiti is burning as gangs have occupied major facilities in the war torn nation. In Africa, people are losing their lives in DR Congo. Blood is everywhere. What really bothers me is that no one really cares about people dying,but rather what they might get in the conflict. My point is why must have sports at the times of war ? We have always said that sports and music are universal language and everybody understands it. The Olympic games are going on in Paris, France and almost all the countries in the world are participating. Instead of using the opening ceremony to advocate for peace, th
  WHY RUTO NEEDED RAILA THE MOST. We've returned to the bragging days of Junet Mohammed, who has come out and said that Raila Odinga is the fourth arm of government and you can't govern without his 'consent'. This brings us to why President Ruto needed Tinga for a smooth sailing at the time when Gen Zs were on his neck. For Ruto to gain have legitimacy , he needed Raila. His rule was in question as his critics especially those in opposition. The likes of Sifuna and Joho had refused to acknowledge his rule citing that the election was not credible. The Gen Zs were also coming after him and Raila coming in gives him emotional support and legitimacy. Raila is the law of the leaderless,what he says goes. The other reason why he needed Raila was because he needed to prepare for 2027. Ruto knows that he cannot fulfill the lies and promises made to Kenyans. By forming an alliance with a man that commands half of the country is the only way to survive for another term. Ruto nee
  LET'S DO SOMETHING ON THE POST OF DEPUTY PRESIDENT. Time has come where we need to have a conclusive discussion about the Office of the Deputy President in Kenya. The post is slowly losing it's meaning. Over the last ten years, this office has been there just for show despite the constitution being clear that the Deputy President can perform all the roles of the president in absentia. Instead of us treating the office the same way we treat the office of the president, we only seem to need this post only when vying for presidency and  want support from another tribe that has numbers. In fact ,this post has always been tribal where the tribe with good number of votes is brought on board. Something needs to be done. Listening to the DP Rigathi Gachagua speaking, I came to realize that there is no need to to tie the post to the presidential candidate. He said that he has a weaknesses of loving his people or rather watu ya murima . The post was never meant to be tribal . At the sa
  LET'S LEAVE RUTO ALONE. The other day I was listening to President Ruto addressing people in Town Hall Mombasa and I realized one thing, we need to leave the alone. He seems to have lost weight and even his hair. The son of Somoei is no longer the same person we knew. Questions were being asked by those in attendance and he really tried to answer them. When asked an the acquisition of JKIA by the Adani Group, he said that he is not mad to sell a strategic resource like that. At the same time, he went ahead and said that Kenya needed to have Public Private Partnership for the overhaul of the airport that is seemingly old. He was contradicting himself. On the issue of unemployment,once again we saw a story of a young man called Brian who is working for a German company that deals with AI. It's the same old lies whether in Taptengelei or Narok. This is not he promised Kenyans during campaigns. When asked about the new tertiary funding model, Ruto did not explain what we wanted t
KENYA, THE LAND OF FORGETFULNESS. Kenya is a historical country; we tend to forget easily. We are a nation that is easily swayed by trends and emotions. We like history and hate novelty. Looking into our history, we've had events that should not be forgotten but trends overshadowed them. We've had similar scenarios that almost look the same but happened within different times. Tribal politics have always been detrimental to our development and at the same time, a burden to some communication. Since independence, tribal profiling has had a big impact on the country and the tribes involved. We lost Tom Mboya just because Jommo Kenyatta feared that Luos were hostile towards him and they might overthrow him and what followed was retaliation from the opposing tribe that even saw the president being pelted with stones and rotten eggs.. This saw hatred between the two tribes; Luos and Kikuyus hating each other for someone's course. This continued in the next governments. Hezekiah
 LET IT CUT ACROSS. The order given by the president to the Public Service to retire all civil servants aged sixty and above should be celebrated as it will help reduce the unemployment rate. According to the data from the public service, more than 30,000 workers will be affected if this is to be implemented. There are field which will be greatly affected by this directive such as public universities where most of the lecturers are aged above the stipulated age. Now the question is, will those in key positions in government be affected too ? We saw the government appointing old farts like Alice Wahome and even the likes of Duale who fall in the same category. Even a sixty eight year old Oparanya has been nominated for a cabinet position. This is what we are against. Parastatals are mostly headed by old guys and they should also give room for the youth. Let this be made into law where even people in elective posts will also be subjected to this law. Even the president should also retire
RAILA THE CLEANSER. Have you ever thought what would happen to Raila if he won the presidential elections ? Do you think he would still maintain his relevance after the end of his tenure ? Will people be still thinking about him as the best option to save us from socio-economic and political oppression ? That's what we all need to ask ourselves. It seems like Baba will always chose to lose electrons and then gain later after the government has been formed. If he truly wanted to be the president,then the 2007 general elections were meant for him . We all admit that Raila won fair and square . Instead of focusing on winning, he focuses on political cleansing. When Raila shakes your hand , your political star will shine again.  With just a shake of a hand, he can change your fortune. Did you see how former president Uhuru Kenyatta was welcomed in Kisumu after the much maligned 2018 handshake ? Uhuru' was like a local in the area to the extent of joking with the natives to give him
  NARC KENYA'S EXIT FROM AZIMIO HAS NO IMPACT. The National Rainbow Coalition-Kenya made it's intentions of leaving the Azimio clear through a letter addressed to the coalition's Secretary General Junet Mohammed. This comes after the president nominated four members of the ODM party to the so called broad cabinet.  The party led by Martha Karua has been against dialogue and has been maintaining that the president should resign. What Ruto did has been seen as betrayal by some of the Azimio co-principals led by Wiper's Kalonzo Musyoka and DAP-K part leader Eugene Wamelwa. NARC is the first party to write to the coalition's Secretary General seeking exit. What I want to say is that Martha Karua should not be behaving like this when you consider the number of votes she delivered to Raila from get backyard in Kirinyaga.Raila got almost 37,800 in the county. Instead of campaigning for Azimio, she was busy popularizing vitenge fashion trends. Azimio is nothing without ODM
 PROBLEMS CREATED BY THE GOVERNMENT. When you listen keenly to some of the problems Kenyans want to be address by the government, you will find that it's the government that created them. We are now approaching the month where students are joining colleges and universities. The problem is that the current funding model does not suit them . Parents will now resort to Harambees and this is a short term solution   We need to bring back the previous model to help in reducing the fee baggage from the parents. I saw a lady claiming that she applied for ID card replacement and it has been seven months and she has not received the ID. My question is what price must we pay to enjoy the basic services of being a Kenyan citizen. We have to understand that no one can hire you if you don't produce your national ID .  It's then correct to say that the government is the one responsible for unemployment.  Why should I pay one thousand shillings to replace my ID ? What has changed within a
  LET'S APPRECIATE THEM. We live in a world of comparison. In everything we do, we are always compared to others. Michael Jackson and Prince, Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan, Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer, Muhammad Ali and Sugar Ray  and then Messi to Cristiano Ronaldo. The list is never ending. This is what I learned when I was at a jaba base recently when reggae fanatics were comparing the late reggae legends Bob Marley and Lucky Dube. Though the comparison seems to have no basis since Bob is considered to many as the godfather of reggae music, Dube on the other hand deserves much respect. Let's take a look in these giants' career. Bob was the one who appeared on the scene first with his band The Wailers, his music was mostly about spiritual, life and ganja. He used  music to preach about peace and love and mostly he promoted togetherness as he sings in his hit song One Love. He also talks about imperialism and warns people to be conscious about their rights. In his song
  WE NEED YOUNG CROP OF LEADERS IN ODM. The nomination of Hassan Joho, John Mbadi, Wycliffe Oparanya and Opiyo Wandayi into the cabinet might be a blessing to some of the vibrant members of the ODM party who will be looking to fill in the positions left behind by them . The position of Minority Leader in the National Assembly that was held by Ugunja Mp Opiyo Wandayi will be very lucrative to someone likes Millie Odhiambo who has shown her prowess in debates. Even Honourable Mishi Mboko has the ability to fill in the vacancy they will be left by Wandayi. Where the problem lies is who is going to fill in the gap left behind by John Mbadi ? I said this because ODM has always and will always be a Luo party affair and those planning to hold this office will  surely be drawn from the region. Junet Mohammed is likely to take over from Mbadi as he has always been loyal to Raila and ODM . If the party opts to promote youthful prospects, the Moses Kajwang should be in the mix as he has never pu
GEN ZS SHOULD BLAME THEMSELVES. Over the last one month, the term Gen Z has been very synonymous with protests. It's a group of young people who came together to fight against the proposed Finance Bill of 2024 , that had many punitive ways to tax Kenyans. Together, they vowed to occupy all the major towns and cities in the country to force the president to reject the finance bill. Many people saw this a joke and even MPs allied to the president called them as content creators. This youthful generation occupied Nairobi CBD and this is how it started. They asked fellow youths to occupy the nearest towns and force the president to reject the bill. As this was happening, the parliament was busy debating the bill and at the end of the process, the MPs passed the bill and it was then sent to the president to assent to it. The Gen Zs were angered by the way MPs ignored the pleas and cries from the electorate and this made push to occupy Parliament.  Again, few believed that this could be
LET'S BE HAPPY FOR THE DEATH OF ODM.  The nomination of Hassan Joho, John Mbadi, Wycliffe Oparanya and Opiyo Wandayi into the cabinet signals the end of ODM. Prior to the announcement made by President Ruto, the party leadership had denounced any plans for the party to form a merger with the rulling party only for Ruto to give us a bombshell. Raila has been gaslighting Kenyans while at the same time planning to have ODM top leadership join the government. He should come out and explain to us clearly what is happening before we jump into conclusion. We had agreed that there will be no dialogue before the concerns raised by the Gen Zs are addressed and what Raila has done is a confirmation of his character. He is the Judas of the Kenyan politics, betraying his allies and citizens at the time of need. What I'm sure of is that he will be collecting "stipends" from those nominated today because Mzee has affinity for "briefcase". What he should be sure is that he
  WE ARE NOT PROTESTERS, WE ARE PATRIOTS. There have been claims made by senior government officials that those protesting are against the game. This assumption should not be allowed to grow any further. Those young people on the streets are not protesters but PATRIOTS who are fighting for the betterment of the country. We are fighting for a country where getting a national ID should be free and applicants should be able to have them within two weeks. We don't need maisha namba that will later be ruled as illegal. We are protesting against the plan by the government to hinder school feeding program that has been helping many kids to have something to eat when the parents cannot afford to feed them. We are fighting for a better educational systems that allows all kids to access free education and then get employed afterwards. The protests are also about better and free healthcare for all people. What was wrong with the NHIF that the government had to come up with SHIF ? Must every g
  SIFUNA SHOULD LEAVE ODM. Edwin Sifuna should leave the ODM party if he wants to maintain his national outlook before it becomes too late. Him and Babu Owino should consider registering a new party with youthful outlook. It's now clear that the party belongs to Luos and Luos alone if the remarks made by Peter Kaluma are to go by. Sifuna and Babu have been very vocal in criticizing the government and they can only continue to do so if they were independent. ODM is no longer a party of minority but rather a party of interests and it's now clear that Sifuna's ideologies do not align with the interests of the party. He should have a sit down with Governor James Orengo before he is chased from the party. Sifuna has built his brand as a firebrand defender of the constitution and great debator whose interviews are always highly anticipated. He should leave the party with his integrity intact. Luos in ODM have come out to push Baba to have dialogue with Ruto contrary to what citiz
 RAILA WILL LOSE EITHER WAY. ODM is a party on the verge of collapse due to ideological differences on whether Raila Odinga should contest for the AUC seat or form a coalition government with President Ruto. In the past one week, the cracks have been visible even to those with poor sight. This started when the ODM party differed with other parties in Azimio, who were against the proposed formation of a coalition cabinet. In ODM, Babu Owino spoke against the intentions of the party to have dialogue with the government saying that it will be betraying the people's will. He said that the Gen Zs have spoken and should be supported by the party. On the other hand, John Mbadi has been pushing for dialogue between Raila and Ruto because he wants to be given a position in the ministry. He has been very vocal in the recent weeks for pushing for dialogue and pretending to put the national interest first. Those in his camp are pushing for Raila to shelve his ambition of vying for the AUC seat
HOW WILL YOU BE REMEMBERED ?  Last week I attended a funeral service back in my village and there was some that was going through mind , how will they eulogize me when my time comes ? I discovered that all the things we do in life are just meant to make us look good when we die. All the people we, the jobs we do, how we educate our kids and also how we treat ours spouse. Now, as I continued to listen to the eulogy, I realized that no one was saying anything negative about the dead . So was he a saint ? No. He was just a normal person that treated his closest friends nicely.  Today I want to ask you, how will you be remembered when you leave this world ? Coming from the service, I was listening to Tabu Ley and the song playing was "Mokolo Nakokufa" or the day I will die.  He sings how his wife will miss him and also how he won't be able to attend the Africa Fiesta. That aside, looking how you live, do you think that the guys you drink with will tell something good about as
RAILA'S SITUATION IS A WIN FOR HIM EITHER WAY. The recent remarks made by Raila Odinga that he was willing to forgo his AUC aspirations to focus on the national politics. He said that he was not going to allow himself to be blackmailed just because he was supported by the government. I think whatever decision that he was going to make, he was destined to win either way. If he decides to focus his energy on the AUC seat, he had a chance to win and this would have elevated his political and statesmanship status. Here, he would advocate for a free Africa. Now that he's weighing on focusing on the national politics, this will also help him stamp his name as someone who stood with people when the government oppressed it's citizens. The Gen Zs had showed it's discomfort on the decision made by Azimo chief , who called for dialogue to address issues raised by the youths. This made the youths angry and even threatened to "send greetings" to him. In as much as he would
JUST OCCUPY JKIA  In my previous article, I suggested that if the government cannot listen to what we are saying and heed to our demands, we should occupy JKIA . The next day I saw #OccuppyJKIA trending and this got me thinking, between State House and JKIA , which one can have more impact. Those saying that we should go to State House are seeking death. It's a restricted area and if you get killed there, the government can't be blamed. So the only alternative is by occupying the JKIA. This will attract a lot of attraction from the international community. Flights will be postponed and money will be lost . The moment we occupy JKIA, it will be hard for the police to contain the crowd because if they use bullets, they might destroy aeroplane and this will be a big loss for the government. So let's do it.
 THE NOTEBOOK WE CALL CONSTITUTION. Kenyans need to have a conversation on how ineffective our constitution is. We always brag as the only East African country that has the best constitution and today I want to tell you that forget about the constitution, we only have a written document meant to govern the poor. How the constitution has been misused in the past 14 years is something that law school should do research on. The makers of the constitution were very intentional in making Kenya a better place to live in but they forgot some of the key aspects that will forever haunt us. For example, why should the recall process of an Mp go through the parliament when we know what happens when one of their own is in trouble . During the petition filed against the results of the 2022 presidential elections, the constitution failed to make it clear on the threshold of the commission on who should be in charge of verifying the winner. They said that it's the work of the commission,but what
 POVERTY LIMITING DREAMS. There has been a disconnect between dreams we wanted to chase and courses people can actually afford to do. This has been brought about by the difference fee structures in different courses. For example someone passionate about medicine can only afford to school fees for a Bio-Chemistry course because it's a little bit cheaper. This makes it harder for the student doing the course because the passion and the drive is not there. This can be blamed on the government and the bodies involved. Why don't we have a same standardized fee structure for all courses to allow people to chase their dreams ? It's the responsibility of the government to ensure that it's citizens are literate and this is what we expect them to do. Difference on fees has made people who wanted to pursue law to do Bsc in Education. Let's establish a mechanism that allows all students to chase their dreams without fee hiccups.
 KALONZO THE OPPORTUNIST. The clear divisions seen in Azimio were just expected. When the Raila Odinga came out and said that the nation needed dialogue, I knew that hardliners like Babu and Karua would not sit around and keep quiet. The attacks that Kalonzo Musyoka saw at JOOF were just a sign of what was to come and we all know what Kalonzo thrives in- using opportunities wisely. He has seen how the Gen Zs have numbers and courage to face the government and also saw an opportunity when Raila said the opposite of what Gen Zs expected to hear. Kalonzo being someone who wants what is ready, has risked falling out with Raila just because he wants to become the darling of Gen Zs and maybe they might front him in 2027. This is a guy who can even run away from the country if he was to be elected as the president and then face the challenges that Ruto is facing. At the time of crisis , let's remember those who reconsiderd their stance got the greater good of the country. Kalonzo fallin
 DOES  RUTO  EVER LISTEN ? The new cabinet nominees announced by President Ruto made me doubt if the guy ever listens.  People wanted the cabinet to be dissolved and not reshuffled. There are some faces that were still nominated that made me realize that our president has never read the constitution the same he has read the bible. Aden Duale should be in court for what he did in Githurai. This is a person who deployed military in the country without the approval of the national assembly and this unacceptable in our constitution. Reinstating him confirms that whatever happened was with the approval of the president. Others have been claiming that Kithure Kindiki did a good job, my question is which job ?  Serving the president or serving the nation ? This is a guy who failed to deal with bandits in Baringo because of reasons best known to them. He is responsible for the misconduct of the police during peaceful protest. The irony is that the guy is a professor of law. This something make
 WHY ODM IS JOINING RUTO TO SURVIVE. First, ODM was a national party, with 8 tribal representatives from 8 now scrapped provinces. At coast, it was Najib Balala, now coast is gone, it doesn't belong to ODM. In central, it was Joseph Nyaga, central nologer thinks ODM. In Eastern, it was Charity Ngilu. Eastern went away with Kalonzo. In western, it was Mudavadi, now in government, and western is gone with Ruto. In rift valley, it was Ruto, now president. Gone forever. In Nairobi and Nyanza, Raila roared. He never roars in Nairobi. Even his Nyanza turf is now a shell of the past.  ODM has remained a luo party, and not all Luos ascribe to ODM. That's one reason ODM must join Ruto to survive. And since Ruto helped create ODM, Ruto will finish ODM completely.  ODM has been surviving and reinventing itself through demonstrations. It's leader, Raila Odinga, is the sole force to sermon demonstrations, and religiously, both educated and uneducated, heeds his call and comes ou
HOW MIXED MARRIAGES ARE RUINING CULTURES.  Traditions and cultural practices of various communities have now become a thing of the past due to mixed marriages. In the book of Ezra chapter nine, it talks about God's anger on the Israelites who had intermarried from other tribes thus causing them to sin.  Imagine God Himself was against mixed marriage, sembuse wewe ? In the recent years the number of mixed marriages has increased significantly to the extent of wiping out some traditions and languages. I remember growing up, my parents would tell me to marry a woman from my community to avoid clashes of different traditions and norms.  I used to ask myself how they knew that I would marry in a generation where men are getting married. Now I'm a grown up and I can see why they would tell me to stay away from some communities that women radicalize their kids against their fathers. During the funeral of the late CDF Francis Ogolla, we saw how his son behaved in front of his elders.
  ALLOWING ELECTED LEADERS TO TRADE WITH THE GOVERNMENT WILL PROMOTE CORRUPTION. The ongoing conversation on the Conflict of Interest Bill proposal is something that we should all pay attention to. This bill that seeks to allow elective leaders to apply for government tenders will be the end of Kenya. It will breed corruption and misappropriation of funds. Imagine a farmer somewhat in Trans Nzoia with one thousand bags of maize will have no place to sell since the politicians will have allocated themselves tenders in the NCPB. The law should be strict on senior government leaders who have intentions of trade illegally with the government. Imagine allowing governors to bid for tenders advertised by their county governments ? Where will the common mwananchi earn a living ? We should avoid trying to turn the government into a business conference where people fight for power so that they can trade. We all know what is happening in the corridors of justice on the case against Former Migori
 THEY LIED ABOUT GADDAFI. Throughout the history of African governments, we've had heads of states who were ousted or killed because of what they believed in. It's their stand that made them lose power. We must also "acknowledge" the role played by the US in ensuring that Africa is "clean" One of the victim is Libya. During the days when Muammar Gaddafi was in power, Libyans enjoyed their lives until the US under President Obama labelled him as a dictator simply not he was pushing the United Africa agenda. They feared that if the push was to succeed, they will lose some of their puppets. He was hunted in his own country upto his birthplace of Sirte.  Now , how was he a dictator ? Under him, Libyans were enjoying free electricity that came free of charge as he saw that it was his responsibility to make sure that everyone could access power. Citizens who took loans from State owned banks were not asked to pay with interests.  Education and medical treatment in
 LET'S GIVE ROOM FOR DIALOGUE. The Swahili people say 'Ngoma ikilia sana, hupasuka' and that's what I think with this Gen Z uprising that is happening now in Kenya. They got their 15 minutes of fame like Githeri man and now they should utilize it wisely. We cannot continue to praise anarchist who have lost control and do not understand what they want. They demanded that the Finance Bill of 2024 be dropped and the President did so by rejecting it. They asked the president to fire the police boss Japheth Koome, and he did so though Koome lied about resigning but we all know what happens in Kenya. They also asked the president to abolish the office of the spouse of the First lady, second lady and that of wife to Mudavadi, he did what the youths asked to. And as if that was not not enough, he even dissolved his cabinet and reduced state House budget. We should also give him  time to reconstitute his government instead of calling him to resign.  Our constitution is very clea
  POLITICAL PARTIES ARE THE ENEMY. We need to define where the elected leaders belong to. The confusion experienced by the Mps in whether to serve their political parties or people has become a problem. I think we need to have systems that immediately after elections that will make politics parties not to interfere with the decision making process of it's members.  This will make sure that people are served by the ones elected to represent them in parliament. We don't need to elect people who will only become puppets who will be serving their political party's interests.
ENGLAND NEEDS NEW STRATEGIES.  England's defeat against Spain in the European championship made it two defeats in two consecutive finals meaning their 58 year wait trophy hunt continues. They will have continue with the "it's coming home"  The defeat also made Gareth Southgate the only manager to have lost two finals  the history of the championship. Going into the tournament, England had the best talents in each department. They also had four of the best players in the world in the name of Jude Bellingham, Harry Kane, Phil Foden and Bukayo Saka. So what went wrong for the Three lions ? It all started during the squad selection when the coach left out some notable players like Rashford and Sterling. This meant that the squad that was selected lacked experience in front of the goal thus explaining why they had to rely so much on luck. Harry Kane who finished the season as the highest scorer in the Europe's top five leagues with Bayern struggled to find his feet, ma
SOCIAL MEDIA AND LOVE LIFE.   Social media has played a major role in relationship breakups . This tool though important in the modern world, it has made men and women see dust. There are  people who like boasting about their love life and this sometimes ends up causing harm to unrelated parties. For example, a lady posting above how she enjoyed get vacation in Dubai with the partner, this might cause a breakup in Mulot just because a lady might feel that the man is not doing enough compared to other men without knowing that each one of us has nyota yake. This has brought in unnecessary competition in love life of partners. Another thing is that there are people who feel comfortable in posting their lovers while others don't. It's then assumed that those who don't post have clandes somewhere or they are not content with the current mpermanent.  They don't want to understand that good love show be private. I know of a friend who was left by a chick because he had never p