Traditions and cultural practices of various communities have now become a thing of the past due to mixed marriages.
In the book of Ezra chapter nine, it talks about God's anger on the Israelites who had intermarried from other tribes thus causing them to sin.
Imagine God Himself was against mixed marriage, sembuse wewe ?
In the recent years the number of mixed marriages has increased significantly to the extent of wiping out some traditions and languages.
I remember growing up, my parents would tell me to marry a woman from my community to avoid clashes of different traditions and norms.
I used to ask myself how they knew that I would marry in a generation where men are getting married.
Now I'm a grown up and I can see why they would tell me to stay away from some communities that women radicalize their kids against their fathers.
During the funeral of the late CDF Francis Ogolla, we saw how his son behaved in front of his elders. He had been brought up by a parents of two different backgrounds and we can see the maternal side being dominant.
Even the former Attorney general Githu Muigai, whose father was from Western Kenya has been confusing many who think that he is a Kikuyu.
Though he claims to be in touch with his father's traditions, we can all see the disconnect.
Now imagine kids who are supposed to be in love with obambo and orenge falling in love with mukimo ?
The reason why I advocate against mixed marriages is because it will solve a lot of issues. There are some people who broke up because they could not agree on the naming system. Kambas and Luhyias have different naming traditions and remember if they get Marr, each one of them will fight for their own side.
These are just few examples of how mixed marriages has changed many things in family set up.
Where I come from, gizzard is specifically meant for men while in others communities, a woman could just chop it.
So my fellow men, let's save the little practice on our culture by marrying from our communities.
You are allowed to have several side chicks from other commitments if you want to promote national integration but let your wife be from your community.
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