First, ODM was a national party, with 8 tribal representatives from 8 now scrapped provinces. At coast, it was Najib Balala, now coast is gone, it doesn't belong to ODM. In central, it was Joseph Nyaga, central nologer thinks ODM. In Eastern, it was Charity Ngilu. Eastern went away with Kalonzo. In western, it was Mudavadi, now in government, and western is gone with Ruto. In rift valley, it was Ruto, now president. Gone forever. In Nairobi and Nyanza, Raila roared. He never roars in Nairobi. Even his Nyanza turf is now a shell of the past. 

ODM has remained a luo party, and not all Luos ascribe to ODM. That's one reason ODM must join Ruto to survive. And since Ruto helped create ODM, Ruto will finish ODM completely. 

ODM has been surviving and reinventing itself through demonstrations. It's leader, Raila Odinga, is the sole force to sermon demonstrations, and religiously, both educated and uneducated, heeds his call and comes out to demonstrate. Through that, ODM finds it's way back to government.  

Now, the sole force is a spent cartridge. It can't summon any demonstration further, and since ODM will be left as orphans, the only means to survive is to join Ruto, and cool their feet there. 

On the same note, Gen-Z has surpassed Raila's game. He is worried, perplexed, and in shock. He used to think he is the only Kenyan who can summon demonstrations. Alas! Gen-z has done it better, without him, without ODM input, and has rendered Raila useless. Now, Kenyans no longer need Raila to demonstrate. They can do it better than him with his goons. 

Since ODM and it's old tactics are coming to an end, Kenya is evolving politically. Gen-z will do away with Rutoism and Odingaism, and new system of politics will emerge. It's the last nail on ODM's casket. Never to raise again. Sooner, no Kenyan will want to be associated with ODM, likewise Ruto. Time is now, that we embrace nationalism, patriotism, and true democracy away from Raila Ruto way of governance.

For ODM to survive, they must be in government and that's why the likes of Joho and Oparanya are being fronted by Raila.

The party is rapidly losing it's support and by 2027, UDA will be the most popular party in Kenya.


  1. Direct and straight to the point


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