Last week I attended a funeral service back in my village and there was some that was going through mind , how will they eulogize me when my time comes ?

I discovered that all the things we do in life are just meant to make us look good when we die.

All the people we, the jobs we do, how we educate our kids and also how we treat ours spouse.

Now, as I continued to listen to the eulogy, I realized that no one was saying anything negative about the dead . So was he a saint ? No. He was just a normal person that treated his closest friends nicely. 

Today I want to ask you, how will you be remembered when you leave this world ?

Coming from the service, I was listening to Tabu Ley and the song playing was "Mokolo Nakokufa" or the day I will die. 

He sings how his wife will miss him and also how he won't be able to attend the Africa Fiesta.

That aside, looking how you live, do you think that the guys you drink with will tell something good about aside from how you used to chafua meza or how you liked petite girls ?

How will your boss remember you ?

Will he remember you as someone he/she wanted to keep or someone who always caused trouble in the workplace ?

How will your siblings remember you ?

Will they remember how you talked behaved them or how easily forgave them when they wronged ?

Will your parents describe you as their pride or will they be at ease now that you are gone ?

How will your wife remember you ?

Will she miss the love you showed her or will she be finally free from fighting side chicks daily and cleaning clothes that you vomited on ?

Will your kids really miss the moments you shared together or will they be just fine because you were never in their lives ?

As you continue with your life, these are the questions you ask yourself.

Have created enough good memories that people will still be talking about long after you're gone ?

Do you think the life you live is worth mentioned at your funeral service when you die because at some point we will all die ?

How many will describe you as their support ?

How many will be happy now that you are gone ?

Do you think that your funeral service will be presided over by your pastor or your family will have to pay for someone to preside over ? 

What is your relationship with God ? That is what matters at the end of our lives . 

Be nice to people even if they can't help you, don't judge others when you know you don't like to be judged.

Cherish your life and live rightfully.

Let's live a life to be remembered.


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