
Showing posts from August, 2024
             SORRY, YOU WILL HAVE TO FORGIVE US. Any LUO calling Baba Raila Odinga names suffers from INFERIORITY complex and a skewed sense of BELONGING. Why? 2027 is 3 years away. I can bet with my two huge balls that all those whom you are helping insult Raila will go back to default settings and vote their own. If you think Kalenjins won't vote in Ruto, then you are in for a rude shock. They will vote with double the zeal of 22. The stupid leaderless, tribeless and faceless chants were just for the few cows. Come 2027, we will be back to factory settings where tribe is everything. If you think Kikuyus will vote for anyone else apart from their own, then you are gullible. The only reason why people hate Luos is because of their unwavering loyalty to Baba. Kenyans are only patriotic online and after elections, but during elections, we are the most tribal lot on earth. They are now lying to you not to support your own. Who is fooling who? I am a Luo who refuses to be used to
               LUOS HAVE A RIGHT TO CELEBRATE PRESIDENT RUT O. The recent tour of President Ruto to Nyanza region has elicited mixed reactions especially from other tribes like the Kalenjins and Kikuyus who feel like they have lost their physical support  when Maandamano resumes.   People are catching feelings that Luos have turned up in massive numbers to give Ruto a tumultuous welcome. You have to truly understand Luo politics and the Luo psyche, before you can retort . The Luo tribe has no capacity for grudges. Neither do they get recruited to hate on behalf of others. But the more important thing to note is that the community is thoroughly communal in nature. The Luo live like one huge family, quite unlike the individualistic nature of many communities. It means therefore that politically, culturally and socially, the highly educated Luo professor and the slum-dwelling Luo school dropout, operate in tandem, as if a force unites them. This is why the streets of Kisumu can withdra
  ACTIVISM OR CONTENT CREATION ? Morara Kebaso is doing a good job in exposing stalled projects under the regimes of Jomo Kenyatta, Daniel Moi, Mwai Kibaki, and Uhuru Kenyatta left behind! However, it's very innapropriate to put all the blame on President William Ruto for the sins committed by his predecessors. To objectively unveil the corruption scandal within President William Ruto's government, then he should consider the timeline and political context of the mentioned years! The talk of Ruto being Uhuru's deputy and therefore the need for him to take responsibility over Uhuru's policies or stalled projects is hogwash. Executive power lies with the President. Today, why don't we also blame Rigathi Gachagua over the state of the economy or stalled project? No. That would be scapegoating. The buck stops with the president. Also, Morara cannot purport to demand President William Ruto be accountable and responsible, yet he's using lies to attain fame. I watching
 RAILA WASHES AWAY POLITICAL SINS. The heroic reception that William Ruto received in Kisumu and Migori confirmed that Raila Odinga washes away political sins. With just one statement , a devil becomes a saint and vice versa. He has fanatical and suicidal supporters who take his word for what it is LAW and we saw that in Kisumu as Ruto's security detail had a hard time controlling the enthusiastic crowd. . This image has just sent a very different message globally that Ruto has the country under control. Just a few months, when the country was in anarchy. You want Raila Odinga to fail the AUC, well and good, but be prepared to see him continue controlling, manipulating, and disorganising Kenyan politics. Your best bet is to let Raila go to he AUC so that you can deal with Ruto ruthlessly. Otherwise, we will still have the same results.
  AN OPEN LETTER TO MY LUO BROTHERS. To the Luos who are abusing Mr Raila Odinga and joining other tribes majority of whom NEVER voted for Raila to insult him and wish that he fails in the AU. It is your democratic right to do so, but let me remind you of a few things that should make you reconsider your stance about him. Those who have always voted against Raila have always done so to spite the LUO community. Some took oaths to ensure we never rise to power. Sometimes I wonder how a Kikuyu can come and tell us that Raila is a political harlot. These are people who have never voted for him despite them benefiting from his support in 2002. Someone that doesn't believe that Raila won in 2007 should not tell us anything.  When Raila fails, this patriotic notion you have with them will evaporate, and they will remind you how Luos can never be anything in this world. So instead of hurling insults, lets celebrate him for always finding a way to fix himself in the government. They are tel
 ODM ''DREAM TEAM'' WILL NOT CHANGE ANYTHING. Any CS who thinks will walk inside the Ministry of Education and be more powerful than Ps Belio Kipsang is daft. This man has been able to maintain his status in the office for the past ten years. He is the one controlling the ministry. Any CS who thinks will walk into the Treasury and be more powerful than CBK governor Kamau Thugge is gullible. That's why we saw Mbadi and Thugge contradicting each other on matters of employing JSS teachers. Any Cs that walks into foreign affairs will never be as powerful as Korir Sing'oei. These are the senior most government officials. They are the signatories of their respective ministries. Policy makers and implementers. My point is that Kenyans should not expect ODM CSs to work miracles. What will Mbadi tell Kamau Thugge, who has been the Ps of Finance for ages, only switched to CBK the other day. What will the new Education Cs teach Belio Kipsang on matters education? Whom do y
  Safaricom must admit their failures. In the life cycle of any company or product, there are four stages ; the introduction stage, the growth stage, the maturity stage and then decline and we now have to accept that Safaricom has served it's purpose. Over the years we've seen how companies and products killed each other.  Xender killed Bluetooth,USB killed VCD's, iPhone killed Android,Mpesa killed wallets,Gas killed Stove and now Starlink is here to complete the cycle.   Safaricom has enjoyed its monopoly for a long time! They brought in a lot of good changes in the market including M-Pesa but to some extent the company has become stagnant. Their data bundles are too expensive  The rate of data bundle depletion  is very high. Their network is horrible in rural areas to the extent of being overtaken by Airtel.  Their monthly 50GB is KES 3000, and the same 50GB is KES 1300 at Starlink.Safaricom offers 25GB for 1300 shilling. Starlink is 20X faster than Safaricom. Safaricom o
WE NEED TO PLAN THE NEXT MOVE. Kenyans like reacting without noting the consequences of their actions.  We wanted President William Ruto out, but we were not prepared to match up his political game. Our main shortcoming was to ignore the political aspect of the struggle. We focused on protests alone and forgot that there are other key areas that could affect our struggle. When we focused all our energies fighting the police, Ruto went for Raila, and all of a sudden, like a house built on quick sand, we came down crumbling. Politics has different dimensions. Ignoring one over the other is detrimental to the struggle. Our leaderless and formlessness were only good for a moment, but we needed to restrategise. Lastly, everything is political. Even the Gen Z protests were political because eventually we could have installed new political leaders if we ousted Ruto. So we should not be emotionally disturbed when Ruto used politics to beat us. Next time, we must put everything into account if
  WE ARE TOO EMOTIONAL. Kenyans are very interesting. They make decisions based on emotions. This has been happy since the late 2000's when Kibaki was in power and later when Uhuru was seeking a chance to become president. At that time, he and his running mate William Ruto were facing charges at the Hague due to the role they played in the 2008 Post Election violence. Together they introduced the sympathy card , where they cried in public for being judged because of the charges . This led to their election. The same tactic was later used by William Ruto who incited the poor against the rich as he branded himself as a hustler.  This made his main competitor, Raila Odinga to have a hard time with the 'hustlers' who called him a son of a dynasty.  Many people in Kenya relate to poverty and thus decided to vote for Ruto who seemed to understand the challenges that the poor face. Last week I saw how police raided the home of Jimi Wanjigi and how Kenyans reacted. The Gen Zs even
WHY FAITH KIPYEGON IS SO SPECIAL.  In the history of track and field at the Olympics, Faith Kipyegon is the first woman to achieve a three-peat in the same event. This means winning back-to-back-to-back Olympic titles in the same event. After winning the 1,500 metres race which earned her another medal in the completed Olympics championship, lets take a lok into what makes her special in athletes and history .   Faith Kipyegon joins Carl Lewis as one of only two track and field athletes to achieve a three-peat in the Olympics in the same event.  In the 128 years of the Olympics, Faith Kipyegon is the first woman to achieve a three-peat in the same event and win silver in another event. She is the first woman to achieve a three-peat and also break the Olympic record while winning her third Olympic title.  Kipyegon is the first woman to win three world titles and three Olympic titles in the same event. She also joins Usain Bolt as one of the only track and field athletes to have won at l
 MY DEFINITION OF UNEMPLOYMENT. In almost every country,  people are always complaining about unemployment. So this got me thinking, what is unemployment ? What does it really mean , and this made me check out the definition of the word in my dictionary. The term unemployment refers to  a state in which an individual actively seeks employment but is unsuccessful . So according to my dictionary, unemployment is means many things and I would like to differ slightly from it's definition. To me, I think the word really means many things that people really don’t pay attention. Unemployment changes everything from normal to worse. T he first thing you realize after losing your job is that you will be side-lined by your friends and family members. This because you no longer have nothing to offer. It’s the fruitful tree that attracts stones. Last week I was talking to one of my friend who used to work at the county government of Kisii but for some reason got fired. This guy told me what he
  RAILA IS THE REASON WHY NANE NANE FAILED. The famed Nane Nane protests failed miserably as the turnout was meagre and we only saw people on the streets of Nairobi as other places shunned the calls. This proved that the Ruto-Raila deal was very effective in sanitizing Kenya's Kwanza government. Many underestimated the magnitude of Raila Odinga and William Ruto's truce and how it has completely altered the political trajectory of this great republic for a few years to come. Raila supporters are emotionally invested in him. Anything that favours Raila favours them. We are months away from 2025 when Raila will clinch the AU sit God willing. If this happens, Ruto will automatically benefit from Raila's support base. We saw supporters of Baba in Kisumu doing their business as usual.  When interviewed, they said that Baba had not said anything about the demos. The whole of the Nyanza region was peaceful and this was a huge win for Ruto. If this union goes to 2027 and Raila says
 IN THE END, WE ARE ALL SELFISH. Since the unofficial agreement between Raila and Ruto to form an "inclusive broad-based" government, I have seen citizens and those who belong to the political class call out the ODM party for betrayal. Others have even gone to the extent of saying that the party rode on the Gen Z protests and brokered a power-sharing deal.  I want to say that this is "normal" in Kenya where politicians reap where they never planted and it has been like this since independence. When the freedom fighters were dealing with the colonialists to grant us independence,  notable figures led the struggle. Dedan Kimathi led his Mau Mau team in war against the British government and was even captured and executed in a gruesome manner leaving behind a widow who died last year, languishing in poverty.  When the British saw that they were losing the battle, they offered Jaramogi Oginga Odinga a chance to form the government, but refused by saying "Uhuru na K
 MT KENYA ALWAYS PUSHING THE TRIBAL CARD. For the longest time we've been trying to solve the issue of tribalism in our country with little success. Whether it's during hiring or development, tribalism has a major role in decision making. When the president dissolved his cabinet or rather reshuffled the CS's , Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga said that the Mt Kenya region should be given 8 slots in the government. This of course was the will of his area counterpart Rigathi Gachagua. It's with no doubt if I say that the Kikuyus are the ones who started this tribal profiling thing led by the first president Jommo Kenyatta after falling out with Jaramogi Oginga Odinga.  It's said that oaths was taken by the people from the community which prohibited them from voting for a Luo leader and this was even confirmed by Martha Karua who said in a recent interview that her brother was amongst those who went despite being underage. If you listened to Uhuru Kenyatta during his 2013
 ATHLETICS KENYA NEEDS TO ACT. It's evident that Kenya is struggling at the Olympics despite winning gold and silver in the 5,000 metres race and a bronze in 800 metres and some are asking why the dismal performance. First and foremost, we have the same chairperson at the Athletics Kenya since 2015 who also doubles up as the Sports Fund chairperson, this brings Conflict of Interest and this promotes looting of money meant for athletes. Their only concern is whether Eliud Kipchoge wins. I remember how we used to celebrate the likes of Ezekiel Kemboi, David Rudisha and Asbel Kiprop win. These were self trained athletes who worked hard to reach the top level. Kenya has never been a powerhouse in athletics but rather we have been lucky with talents. This has made the government sit back and enjoy the success of the talented ones. Every athlete is now training where our athletes used to train and this has made us equal to other nations.  Instead of investing in infrastructures that will
 RAILA IS THE "POWER" IN KENYA. Last week on Saturday,I came across the Daily Nation newspaper and the headline caught my attention. It read " Raila new center of power". Coincidentally, I saw the same headline back in July 19th 2019 after the pact between Raila and Uhuru. It' seems that the term "power" is very synonymous with the name Raila. Any move that Raila makes , it's either you lose or gain power. The slight mistake on the headline can forgiven . They should know that Raila has and will always be the center of power and whatever he move he makes surely shifts the political balance of the country. Even in 2026, Raila can either decide to give Ruto a hard time on the ballot. The " Tosha" slogan used by Raila when endorsing his party candidates is enough to boost anyone's chance of clinching the top seat. After the recent cabinet reshuffle that saw some of his close allies being nominated, at the same time content creators like
 THE SAME MONKEY BUT DIFFERENT FOREST. It's time we wake up from the dream and plan the next move before it's too late. Don't think that these new cabinet nominees will change anything in the respective ministries aside from strategy for looting. Imagine a billionaire calling himself jobless. What will a fresh graduate say then ? The so called vetting is just a waste of time. These guys are friends and won't corner their colleague to a point of breaking. If Ruto really wanted to change, Dr Amoth would have been the CS for Health and if he wanted a proper alternative, then give it to Mercy Mwangangi, who performed greatly in the COVID era. The sports docket should have gone to Carol Radul. Giving Murkomen the docket is just a consolation rather than good spirit . I would have loved to see Joshua Oigara or Dr Patrick Njoroge in the treasury docket. I'm not questioning Mbadi's credentials but we don't need politicians in these ministries. We needed technocrats
 LET BABA ENJOY HIS LIFE. Kenya is a country where everyone wants you to be where they want to be. During the last general elections, people were mocking Azimio leader Raila Odinga that he will be sent back to Bondo on a wheelbarrow. After he lost or 'gave away' his victory, he was mocked on social media and even small MCAs dared to lecture him.  But Tinga is a patient man, he was willing to wait and finally the wait was over when he was pictured together with Ruto and Museveni. Ruto had proposed to him that he should vie for the AUC seat and Tinga accepted the offer "reluctantly".  Here is where trouble started. Those affiliated to Uhuru were against this move as they knew that if RAO left the national government, Ruto will have an easy day against Kalonzo inajibiwa come 2027. They started to engage in a tug of war and Raila was the trophy.  And as if God was lending him a helping hand, Gen Zs started causing trouble fot the incumbent president which forced Ruto to c
WHY GACHAGUA HAS TO GO.  I've been watching keenly as the relationship between Ruto and Gachagua deteriorate and I have concluded that it's either Gachagua is impeached or controlled. The reason why those affiliated to Ruto wants Kijana ya Murima out is that he has to be sacrificed for Ruto to rule. We saw recently that close aides to the Dp were grilled for their involvement in the Gen Z protests. The reason why he's being suspected is because during the demonstrations, Gachagua appeared to be supporting the youths, something that Saw him become a "good person" for two days as Sifuna said. At the same time, he is going to be used as a scapegoat as one of the people responsible for the protests. His "shareholders" narrative will be used against him. Ruto is planning to have new political alignment cone 2027. This is evidenced by the way Mudavadi folded his ANC party and joined UDA. ODM is also in the picture if Ruto wants to win convincing against the so