What really happened in Endarasha ?

Over the last one week Kenya has been through some things that look like Hollywood. The Adani story, the blackout occurrence and then the Endarasha Hillside incident.

Today I wanna talk about the Endarasha story. This thing should not be taken lightly as there is more than meets the eye.

Now picture this, kids are asleep , and I mean all of them went to bed according to the management. 

Fire breaks out in the dormitories and the kids start screaming but no one heard them.

Emergency door was allegedly locked from outside hence hindering the escape plan.

Remember that this school has watchmen on duty and there's administration at the scene.

The first people to arrive at the scene are the politicians. Now ,I think that this is a conspiracy to cover for more damages.

Sixteen kids died at the scene while six died later from the burns . The school failed to locate several kids and even goes ahead and stops parents from taking their kids back home .

How can you tell me that the government was able to identify and locate the protestors who stormed parliament buildings and ate rice, but the same government cannot locate these kids or explain to us what is happening ?

Who is the owner of this school and why is he being protected ? Who really killed those children ?

Is it a coincidence that this is happening at the time when we are fighting against the Adani story ?

Is it a coincidence that the same week we experienced power blackout throughout the country ?

What is the game here ?

What does the government and the elected leaders gain ? This is not a normal fire. Something big is happening behind the scenes. The Kenyan government thrives in creating confusion amongst us.

The script was well planned and I even heard that there is a mass grave in Trans Nzoia and as if that was not enough, ODM party is going to name it's interim party leader at the time when the nation needs to focus on the Endarasha incident.

The government is covering up for something big and bad that's why they can't allow us to focus on one thing.

I hope that one day the parents will get justice for the lives lost and injuries sustained from the incident.


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