After what happened yesterday, I came to realize that we have to sort out some few things as we even push for the #RejectFinanceBill

Scores of people were shot by the police after the protestors managed to enter the parliament.

Most of them just wanted to know where Papa Wa Roma sits , only to be shot.

Now, we have to accept that this bill is being pushed by the IMF and the US, since they have not uttered a single word even after the sister to Barrack Obama was "fed" the freedom pill. IMF never solves problem, they are the problem. Why is it that the US is more concerned about Kenya sending police officers to Haiti than ensuring that democracy is upheld here ?

So in retaliation on that, Meg Whitman should be recalled by US with immediate effect. Kenya cannot afford to have such a hypocrite as the ambassador here. Their president who cannot differentiate "Kairo" and his boxers, so they want us to feel the shame.

Secondly, our "goose chaser" Martha Koome should resign and her academic certificates be investigated thoroughly. We cannot have such a person as the CJ when innocent civilians are being shot and abducted while she is doing nothing. LSK President Faith Odhiambo has shown us how a judicial officer should behave.

The police IG also needs to "greeted" or else, we might never enjoy our rights. Who gave the IG the power to brand people as terrorists ? They have failed to stop the "Blood Cow" business in Baringo and Turkana, they now want to show us how powerful they are. Protesters armed with the flag and the constitution should be respected. He should learn from the Kinoti "end game".

Defence CS Aden Duale should be fired with immediate effect and be sent beck to Garrissa and explain what happened to Garrisa University. How can he allow the deployment of the KDF without the approval of the Parliament ?
We no longer need IPOA in this country. All they do is gasslight us as they continue protecting criminals in the police department.

I saw that the government spends 1.1 billion shillings on president's advisors. My question is, who advices the prezzo ? If he has failed to listen to AG Justin Muturi, he should just fire him and hire Farouk Kibet.
Kimani Ichungwah should aso be dealt with for introducing some evil bills in parliament. Why would he table a bill proposing millitary deployment to deal with protestors when bandits are killing people in Baringo and Turkana ?

Last but not least, the Speaker of the National Assembly should also behave in a neutral manner rather than being partial in his judgement. He lacks integrity and that's why he forwarded the name of his "abido shaker" to head a very important docket.

All these problems should be dealt with as soon as possible or else we might be forced to normalize such subjective finance bills.


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