Yesterday's protests sent out warnings to the tribal kingpins who have been using tribes as a way to lead that come 2027 things will be different. And today was also  the same in Mombasa. 

Let's wait for tomorrow where the ''finals'' will be held in Kisumu.

The protests were led by the ''Young Kavirondo Tax Payers Association''  popularly known as  Gen Zs who went out on the streets to protest against the proposed finance bill.

This pushed the government to the extent of revising the bill or rather removing the decoy in the form of 16% VAT on bread
What I found inspiring about this is that social media plays a big role in the mobilisation of youths.

This is a different generation of people who according to them, they know their rights.

The worst is to come in 2032 when the Alphas and the Gen Zs come together to create a very courageous force that cannot be bribed with fifty bob.

The protests were a blessing to Babu Owino in disguise. Since he resonates more with the youth, I think it's high time he creates his following by banking on Gen Zs who seem unbothered by the police.
He should use this opportunity to stand up for them as he did yesterday by going to the police station and demanding that the arrested youths be released.

If the Gen Zs were to rally behind one front in 2027, and all of them decide to vote, many politicians would be left "mataani".
This is the "revolutionary" generation that doesn't care about tribal politics.

They are well-educated and updated on issues concerning them.
They gave the police officers a hard time since the " language barrier" was evident.
The bravery shown by them to the extent of taking selfies inside the police car, while others joked about being taken to KFC.

Raila's political journey is coming to an end but worry not, Gen Zs are here to stay. He has fought for the Millenials, Generation X and Gen Zs , it is now time for the new generation to fight for generation  alphas.


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